This year we are trying to conserve our resources, save trees, become more "green"........ahem, who am I kidding.......we're simply trying to save money by not spending it on pictures and stamps so I'm posting our Christmas letter here.
I, for one, am happy to see 2009 go. I know that's not a typical thing to see in a Christmas letter. Usually it's all about being thankful, being blessed, etc etc. While I know we are blessed, I'd rather not go through 2009 again. It was a tough year. Plain and simple. Jeff and I went through some serious relationship struggles (if you want to read more about that click here), an extended job loss (Jeff's still looking), serious depression, and possible foreclosure. It has been easy to feel sorry for myself and ask God "why us?". But that isn't the kind of person I want to be and it isn't what I want to teach the kids either.
This Christmas I have taken time to stop and really think about that very first Christmas.
I have been through labor and delivery 4 times....3 of those times were fast, painful, and drug-free. But I was in the hospital with constant supervision from nurses, very competent doctors, a nursing student, whoever else might have walked in, and most importantly my husband. I was also 26 years old when I gave birth to my first child.
But what about Mary??? Here is a young teenage unmarried girl, pregnant, traveling on an animal for miles, uncomfortable, possibly with swollen ankles and contractions, going into labor and only being able to find shelter in a barn -- with the animals making all their noises, pooping, regurgitating....ok, so I don't know for sure if that was going on but it was a barn with animals in it -- going through the pain and agony of an unmedicated birth with only her teenage fiance to help her! And there she gave birth to the most influential baby of all time....Jesus! The thought of that brings tears to my eyes. When Mary kissed her little baby, she was kissing the face of God! Wow!
Then my thoughts turn to Joseph. What must he have been thinking?!?! His young fiance just gave birth to a baby that wasn't his! I'm sure the birth was a scary thing for him to experience as well. And what about the unbelieveable pressure to be the earthly father to the Son of God!
Those are just a couple of the things I've been pondering over the past month. I can honestly say that regardless of the difficulties we've had we are an extremely blessed family. We have been blessed financially when we felt like there was no hope. We have been blessed by friendships when we desperately needed friends. We have been blessed by prayer support from people we know and people we've never met before. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to those blessings.
Onto the updates!
I am still at home with Eli and trying to maintain the house...and everything that goes with that. It's definitely busy but I love every minute of it.
I pray that all of you have a very Merry Christmas and take time to think about the reason we matter what the situation you find yourself in.
I admire you guys a lot! You are showing strength, faith and character in the hardest of times! I really pray that things improve in 2010 and that you continue to cling to eachother and to God. Much love to you all!
It was wonderful to meet you at MckMama's earlier. Just wanted to stop by and say Merry Christmas, and I'll be praying for the 2010 you need!!
Oh, man, were we meant to meet or what! Been there done that and here to say, you will make it through too!!!! My prayers are with you!
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